On May 28th at 8am, 7 riders (Susan, Scott, Pam, Matt, Stephen, Benjamin, and Liam) departed Woodinville for a 77mi and 3585ft ride to Snohomish and beyond. In Snohomish, we made an obligatory stop (I mean, mandatory!) at the Pie Company for coffee and pastries. Afterwards we were off to Sultan for lunch. After some debate we decided on the Sultan Bakery and I am glad we did. It is a great little place. Very busy. Good food. Excellent employees and service. Then we were off to Maltby for ice cream! After desert we were back on the bikes and returned to the start.
It was a great day for riding. Low traffic. Perfect weather. Great company.
Caught by the train in Sultan before Ben Howard road:

At the end:

Liam has to get his face in here too: