Over the last several years I have been involved in discussions with community groups and SDOT about the new Eastlake protected bike lanes. I am happy to have new cycling infrastructure in my neighborhood and on a route I use several times a week. However, some design features of protected bike lanes actually increase the risk to cyclists. Placing a concrete barrier between the traffic lane and the bike lane traps cyclists - placing them directly in the path of drivers turning right at an intersection or turning into a curb cut for a garage or parking lot. I have raised this concern with SDOT but got nowhere. I was informed that the bike lanes will slow traffic, and that I could always exit the bike lane at a curb cut for a parking garage (!) if I wanted to avoid the intersection. This is what passes for public engagement at SDOT!~ So my fellow cyclists, please be extra cautious when you're being "protected" in a bike lane. Watch for green paint, curb cuts, and never assume that just because that driver to your left isn't signaling a turn that they will not turn into you.