Dear COGSters,
In an effort to do our part towards stemming the spread of COVID-19, starting today (3/17) all COGS’ rides and events through March are being cancelled. As the end of March is only a few weeks away these cancellations are likely to extend into April. This cancellation policy will be revisited as we learn more and will be updated accordingly.
Until such time as we get an all clear, rides a few weeks out on the calendar will be re-titled as “Canceled due to COVID-19”.
As for our board meeting on April 6th, it will be conducted as a virtual meeting via Zoom. Those who wish to attend please contact me.
COGS' board meetings normally take place the first Monday of the month. Normally at 6 pm at Ha! in Fremont.
COGS’ annual Spring Fling has also been postponed.
Thank you all for your understanding. This soon will all pass. We will back on our bikes, riding with friends, and TP will once again be back on a grocery store shelf near you.
Be safe, be well,
Richard Petters