Cyclists of Greater Seattle
Riding for Fun, Friends, and Adventure

Ride Reports

  • 05 Oct 2023 2:01 PM | Gustav Jansson (Administrator)

    Test post.  This will post is just to make sure I can add photos to a Ride Report.  Apparently I need to use an Admin view.  I will try to create the post first and then add photos.

    I'm now in Admin view and editing this post.  Now when I look at the More dropdown list I see this:

    To insert this image I first clipped the screen capture and then saved the image on my PC.  Then I used Insert image from the menu and selected my file from the PC and then clicked Insert.

    Here is an image inserted using Insert Image from that menu:

    This image was already on the COGS site but the image selector allows you to upload new images from your computer too.

    Hope this helps.  This post will be deleted in 3-2-...

  • 20 Sep 2023 12:10 PM | Michael Francisco (Administrator)

    This was my first trip to Goldmyer Hotspring.  I had planned to camp at Goldmyer with overnight camping reservations for eight, but I am glad it turned into a day trip with only two of us (more about this later) .  We (Mike and Michael) carpooled to the Middle Fork Trailhead at the end of pavement on the Middle Fork Road, starting the ride around 9 AM up the Taylor River Road to what is called the Middle Fork Road on the Green Trails Map (174 SX); it is also NF 5600.  I believe it was a railroad bed in a previous incarnation, as there used to be a railroad up to Goldmyer to accommodate passengers.  The first ten miles and 1,850 feet could be accomplished by a reasonably capable cyclist on a loaded gravel bike, and It was easy enough on our full suspension mountain bikes without camping gear.  We turned off NF 5600 at Middle Fork Tie #4 Trail, where there was a small sign indicating Goldmyer trail to the right.

    The little bridge across Burntboot Creek was in good shape, and we made our way up the trail to the hot spring; arriving at the caretaker's cabin at approximately 11:30.  The hosts were friendly and helpful.  After signing in, we left our bikes behind and climbed the trail past the "Grandfather Tree" about 1/4 mile up to the spring, where we stripped off our sweaty togs and immersed ourselves in the hot spring for about an hour.  The Spring is in a beautiful, secluded location next to a waterfall on Burntboot Creek.  We had the entire place to ourselves, and it was a delightful soak indeed.  We alternated between dips in the hot spring and dips in the cold spring immediately adjacent to it.  I toweled off feeling as if I'd just had a massage.

    Then came the hard part.  As planned, we headed back via the Middle Fork Trail on the south side of the river.  The first challenge was to cross Burntboot Creek.  Michael crossed first, then tossed his sandals back across so I could cross without either going barefoot or getting my shoes wet.  That was the first of many creek crossings, some with intact bridges, some without, some dry, some not so dry. At one such, we managed to disturb a hornets nest and I got stung, twice - this after encountering many rock gardens and roots that had forced me to dismount and hike-a-bike several times.  We weren't even half way back yet. This was somewhat discouraging, but we pressed on and arrived back at the trailhead sore and tired by about 4:00.

    The trail had some rideable and fun segments, but even with full suspension mountain bikes this was a difficult trail.  I was glad not to have tried it with a gravel bike and camping gear, not to mention several pissed off COGSters -- I would have been lynched!  I would do this trip again, but older and wiser.  For one thing, I would stick to the old FS road both ways.  It was a heck of an adventure, and in spite of the difficult trail back we enjoyed the beautiful scenery, the car-free miles, the hotspring, each other's company, and perfect riding weather.  Photos from the trip are on my FlickR site.

    NOTE - if you decide to try this yourself, pay careful attention to the warnings and information on Goldmyer's website. Don't depend on GPS, bring a map - especially if taking the trail.  GPS reception may be very spotty, and there is no cellphone coverage.  Bring what you would bring on a hiking trip; the ten essentials and a water filter if camping at Goldmyer. Be prepared to deal with creek crossings, which may be impassable at certain times of the year - especially during the spring melt. The hot spring is worth the trip, however you get there.

  • 04 Jul 2023 10:25 AM | Richard Petters (Administrator)

    Eight of us had a mostly pleasant ride around Vashon.  The qualification of "mostly" explained below.

    • AVOID riding Vashon on the Sunday after Father’s Day.  That is the day of the annual N.W. Small Bore Motorcycle Rally. If you choose to ride on that day, you will be visited by apocalyptic plagues of old, smoke-belching, ear-splitting motor bikes.  While their operators were nice enough, the presence of hundreds of these bikes was not.
    • When getting off the ferry, as bikes and pedestrians debark first, to avoid being passed by an endless stream of cars on the long uphill grind from the ferry, pull off to the right shortly after walking your bike off the ferry.  Wait for cars to clear and the ride up the hill will be more pleasant.  The debark and wait option works well for most rides that involve a ferry.    
    • The Vashon Ride route has been updated to version #3 in COGS’ RWGPS library.  These new edits include:
    • o   An option for avoiding the often congested four-way stop in downtown Vashon. 
    • o   An option for keeping us off the Vashon Highway for as long as possible on the return ride to the ferry.  Thankyou Mel for this suggestion.
    • o   Incorporation of WSDOTS recommended downhill route for returning to the ferry.  This new downhill option is safer.  Avoids the risk of being doored while zooming downhill alongside the long string of cars backed up waiting for the ferry.
    • And most important, a new lunch option in downtown Vashon was visited and gets good marks.  Our regular burrito stop, Zamorana Mexican is closed on Sundays.   The new option, Camp Colvos Brewing, has nice large shaded picknick tables and a decent menu for a brewery.  Colvos Brewing and Zamurana are on the same side of the street on adjacent blocks.

    While at Colvos, Arnie, opted for a liquid lunch. Thirty-two ounces of a nap inducing local brew.  Makes waiting for the ferry go faster.  Too fast for some.

  • 16 Jun 2023 3:16 PM | Gustav Jansson (Administrator)

    This is a test post for creating Ride Reports as well as a post that shows how to create ride reports.  Any COGS member can create a basic Ride Report but to add photos you need to have administrative privileges. 

    To create a basic ride report, click Add Post and type away.

    To create a ride report with photos:

    1. First enter Admin view by clicking the Admin button on the top right of the page.
    2. Wild Apricot can kind of throw you into any page once you are in admin view so click on Website on the left tool bar and then navigate to the Ride reports page.  You can do this either by selecting the Ride Reports page under Ride & Events on the left side bar or by navigating through the site menu to the Ride Reports page.
    3. Now click on Add Post and type away!
    4. To insert an image, click on the More drop down menu and select Insert image.  This will open a pop up where you can either select an image already on the COGS site or upload your own.    
    5. When you are done with the post, click Post!
  • 12 Jun 2023 9:13 AM | Liam Parnell (Administrator)

    On June 03-June-2023, four riders (Barbara, Noriko, Sabine, and Liam) gathered at Magnuson Park for a social (ie, not to fast) ride around the lake. At 9am, we were on the bikes and headed to Woodinville for coffee at Sidekick Coffee located at NE 173rd & 135th Ave. We enjoyed our break and took our time. Afterwards, we were off to Kirkland for lunch at PCC. Liam learned a new trick - Forget your wallet and someone will buy you coffee & lunch. A big thank you to Barbara for feeding the ride leader! After lunch, we continue the ride back to the start. Noriko headed home from the UW Triangle. The remaining riders returned to Magnuson.

    At Sidekick Coffee:

    At the UW Triangle:

    The ride:

  • 08 Jun 2023 7:54 PM | Liam Parnell (Administrator)

    On May 28th at 8am, 7 riders (Susan, Scott, Pam, Matt, Stephen, Benjamin, and Liam) departed Woodinville for a 77mi and 3585ft ride to Snohomish and beyond.  In Snohomish, we made an obligatory stop (I mean, mandatory!) at the Pie Company for coffee and pastries.  Afterwards we were off to Sultan for lunch.  After some debate we decided on the Sultan Bakery and I am glad we did.  It is a great little place.  Very busy.  Good food.  Excellent employees and service.  Then we were off to Maltby for ice cream!  After desert we were back on the bikes and returned to the start.  

    It was a great day for riding.  Low traffic.  Perfect weather.  Great company.

    Caught by the train in Sultan before Ben Howard road:

    At the end:

    Liam has to get his face in here too:

  • 08 Jun 2023 9:11 AM | Tom Tanner (Administrator)

    June 8, 2023, eight adventurous COGS riders undertook the ride from Ashford, WA up to the Paradise Visitor Center on Mt Rainier. It is a 50-mile round trip ride with 3600 feet of climbing. The weather was near perfect for riding, permitting mostly shirt sleeve and/or light jacket attire. The sky was a bit cloudy, but the emerging sun warmed the riders both going up and coming.

    Mt. Rainier was “out” in all its majestic glory. The glaciers and the snow-covered summit beckoned the riders all the way to Paradise at an elevation of 5420 feet. The road was dry, and traffic was mercifully light on the weekday journey.

    Spring/summer had definitely “sprung” on Mt Rainier. The creeks all along the route were running full of fresh snow melt. The trees and leafy ground cover in the forest were a vibrant green, sparkling a warm, magical reflection of light throughout the forest. As the riders approached Paradise Visitor Center snow covered the forest floor. The snow was lovely to see interspersed with the ever-green trees/bushes and ground cover and bubbling brooks and streams. Absolutely beautiful!

    The riders climbed the mountain at their own pace and comfort level and met at the Paradise Visitors Center for lunch/snacks before heading back down the mountain. The downhill descent was amazingly fun with so little traffic and great road conditions. We reassembled at Copper Creek Restaurant for the “world famous” black berry pie before finishing the last couple miles to Ashford and our return back to Seattle.

    The Riders consisted of Tom T (ride leader), Noriko (first time riding up to Paradise), Mike F, Brant R (relatively new COGS member. WELCOME!), Richard P, Teri B (former COGS member relocated to Arizona), Becky C, Gus J, and Jeff G.

    The ride definitely lived up to our Club motto of we “Ride for Fun, Friends, and Adventure.”

  • 07 Jun 2023 7:12 PM | Liam Parnell (Administrator)

    The COGS motto is "Riding for fun, friends, and adventure".  It was looking like this ride was going to be an adventure because the leader (ie, Liam) got in over his head with this route.  Luckily for Liam, Susan and Scott and Richard signed up on the last day before the ride.  They kept Liam on track and no one got lost.

    On May 7th at 9am, 6 riders (Susan, Scott, Richard, Pam, Mike, Liam) departed Woodinville for Snohomish to have lunch at the Pie Company.  The weather was great.  The company was better.  After lunch, we made our way to Monroe and then back to Woodinville.  It was a fun ride.

    Lunch at Snohomish Pie Company:


    Here is the ride on RWGPS:

  • 29 May 2023 8:05 AM | Michael Francisco (Administrator)

    Perfect spring weather and plentiful wildflowers greeted us in Wenatchee for COGS' first ever (?) mountain biking event.  On Tuesday Steve, Mike and Becky pedaled up Horse Lake Road to the summit of the Lightning Trail to enjoy the view of Wenatchee and the Columbia River.  Descent routes included Apricot Crisp, Glacier View and Bert's Trail back down to Horse Lake Road.  We met for a social dinner at Pybus Market that afternoon.  On Wednesday we started from the upper trailhead at Horse Lake Reserve and ascended together as far as the Homestead Trail, which Steve and Becky took back to the trailhead.  Mike took the Lightning and Sage Hills Main trails back to town.  Noriko, who is not a mountain biker, rode the Apple Capital Recreation Loop Trail.  On Thursday, Mike went to explore the trail system at Squilchuck State Park.

    Steve enjoys the view from the Lightning Trail

    Field of balsam, lupine and phlox at Apricot Crisp

  • 13 May 2023 10:49 AM | Michael Francisco (Administrator)
    Nine of us (Bob, Arnie, Gus, Denny, Mike, Noriko, Tom, Richard and Antoine) had sunny and warm weather for this epic day long ride that included four ferry rides. Five of us managed to complete the full route; with one rider taking the fast ferry to Seattle from Bremerton, two riders taking a short cut for the final few miles (and beating us to the ferry by just enough for five of us watch them sail away on an earlier ferry to Seattle), and one rider taking public transit for the final 15 miles from Paulsbo.  Let's just say that this route is challenging, as advertised!

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